Subject: Re: umount - URGENT
        Date: Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 02:12:33PM -0600

In reply to:Dave Sherohman

Quoting Dave Sherohman([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>| Wayne Topa said:
>| > Try a paper clip, strightened out, and inserted into the little hole
>| > in the front of the CDROM drive.  Works on the 3 I have.
>| I thought you weren't supposed to do that while the system is powered up.
>| Something about possibly damaging the hardware.  Is that no longer a problem?
>| (Or did I just image the whole thing...)

I don't recall reading that warning anywhere.  I have had to do it on
each of the 3 CDROM systems over the past 5 years and they are all
still working.  Of course I may just be using the right brand of
paperclip.  :-)    YMMV

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