Hello,  I have just installed Linux for the first time and am having a few slight difficulties...At present I am running the stable distribution, or slink, and I can't seem to get dselect's asp package selection method working with my home network.  My machine is a an i586 166 connected via RJ-45 to a hub (inactive or "stupid") and then to my home's proxy server, a 486DX4 100 running Windows 95 (fully updated) which is in turn running WinProxy version 2.1R2h (I want to set up a linux server but my parents won't let me until I can provide a valid reason; a rather difficult task as I can't even manage to get my machine to install packages...).  I can FTP out manually by FTPing to my proxyserver, which then provides me with a prompt for [EMAIL PROTECTED]Example:
Munin/~/ftp ready: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
afterwhich it connects and acts normally...My sole question is how may I get dselect to function with this?  Here are a few things which may, in some way help:
HTTP Port:
FTP Port:
Socks5 Port: 1080
Here is an example screen dselect gives me when I try to update package lists (are there any redirection operators similar to those in DOS ([command]>>[path/filename]) in Linux?  I Have a great distaste for retyping what I see on screen...)
Get ftp://ftp.debian.org stable/contrib Packages
 ftp_connect:Could not connect
Get ftp://ftp.debian.org stable/main Packages
 ftp_connect:Could not connect
Get ftp://ftp.debian.org stable/non-free Packages
 ftp_connect:Could not connect
 ftp_connect: Could not connect
 ftp_connect: Could not connect
 ftp_connect: Could not connect
update available list script returned error exit status 1
Press RETURN to continue
Between each connection attept the message "0% [Packages 'Connecting to ftp.debain.org' 0]" appears and stays onscreen for 3-5 minutes until being replaced by an error message.
I thank evryone ahead of time for whatever help they may offer and as a sort of disclaimer (and I suppose another problem) the man command doesn't work for some reason (although I read dselects page with vi--I didnt see anything of use)...everytime I try to use it Debian just return what I assume is the equivalent of a bad command or filename response...if someone could also help me with this problem I would be doubly grateful...
If you are responding to this please forward your response directly to my e-mail account...Thanks again.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
    Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
    Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
    Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.  

                                    -Omar Khayyám
(I am, by the way, writing this in Outlook Express 5 from Windows NT Workstation 4--Dual boot system using LILO)

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