The card in question is an Aureal Vortex 3D.  After some fruitless
kernel-wrestling I discovered the only Linux support is with OSS.  So I
got an eval license of that and compiled it for my system (kernel 2.2.13
SMP)  However when I execute soundon and try and play something, there are
no errors but I don't hear anything either!  My speakers are plugged in
correctly i'm pretty sure of that.  

cat /dev/sndstat reports this:

OSS/Linux 3.9.2y (C) 4Front Technologies 1996-1999

License serial number: E00000008
This Open Sound System copy is licensed for limited evaluation use only.
You can order a permanent OSS license from License will expire after: 06/2000
Options: ALL 

*** Activity time of this evaluation version is limited ***

Build: 2.2.13-SMP
Card config: Aureal Vortex at 0xe9000000 irq 10
Software mixing (audio)
Audio devices:
0: Aureal Vortex 2 (AU8830) (DUPLEX) 
1: SoftOSS v1.2 CH #0 
2: SoftOSS v1.2 CH #1 
3: SoftOSS v1.2 CH #2
4: SoftOSS v1.2 CH #3 
5: SoftOSS v1.2 CH #4 
6: SoftOSS v1.2 CH #5
7: SoftOSS v1.2 CH #6 
8: SoftOSS v1.2 CH #7
Synth devices: 0: SoftOSS v1.2
Midi devices: 0: Aureal Vortex 2
Timers: 0: System clock 1: SoftOSS
Mixers: 0: Aureal Vortex 2 (STAC9708)
1: SoftOSS

The permissions on all the devices look ok to me.  What went wrong?

I thought this might be because I am not a member of group audio (which
owns the audio devices) which led to another problem.  With PAM, login
supposedly uses /etc/security/groups.conf to add groups on login.  I added
the following line:

*; tty* ;*;!Al0000-2400;floppy,audio,lp

but this doesn't seem to do anything.  Why? and what's the correct way of
adding console users to groups?

This card also has a joystick port.  I compiled modules for my Microsoft
sidewinder joystick, attached it to the correct port, used MAKEDEV to
creat the js devices in /dev, loaded the joystick module in
/etc/X11/XF86Config  and for good measure rebooted.  However it still
doesn't work either.  Even after insmod'ing the joystick module, when I
run the xjscal program, I get the message:

Cannot open /dev/js0

even as root.  The permissions on /dev/js0 are:

crw-rw----    1 root     root      15,   0 Jan  7 08:57 /dev/js0

Once again, what did I do wrong?

I realize I've asked a lot of questions today.  Any and all answers will
be greatly appreciated.


Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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