On Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 10:58:58AM -0500, Brian J. Stults wrote:
> Yes, I've noticed the same.  When I do a "ps aux", I get staroffice
> using 236MB of memory.  It's certainly not true.  What I actually get is
> 7 instances of staroffice using 33.7MB each.  I've been assuming that
> this really indicates it's using 33.7MB total.  That still means
> staroffice is a hog, but at least it's more realistic.

Most process information programs don't handle threaded applications
too well (there must be a reason, but i have no idea what it is).
StarOffice has multiple threads which all share that 33.7MB, so
ps/gtop/etc reports each thread as using that much memory.

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