*- On  8 Jan, Timothy Bedding wrote about "fetchmail problem"
> Thanks for all the help, people.
> Your advice about how to fix the clock problem was spot
> on.
> Now, another query.
> If I do a fetchmail and it reports, say, 30 mails, sometimes
> these mails can be transfered to my spool file in batches.
> So, I get the first ten and then I have to wait a few minutes
> for the next ten.
> I guess that there must be an explicit delay somewhere.
> Does anyone know where this delay might be?

This is your MTA doing this.  Most MTA's don't like getting flooded with
requests to send packages since it can cause a spike in cpu load and
system resources.  So once a maximum limit has been reached it just
queues them up until the next run of the queue.  In exim, the default
MTA for Debian, you can set the option smt_accept_queue_per_connection
to 0 and it will process each mail as it comes in without waiting. The
default is 10. Read the exim spec file for more info on this and other
smtp_accept_* options.

Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering              |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University                   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |  because by that time you will be a
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis   |  mile away and have their shoes.

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