>> Exactly, who really cares HOW you say Debian Gnu/Linux ? getting bent over
>> the pronunciation of a couple of words is, quite frankly, stupid.
>I don't think anyone was doing that in this thread specifically, but I was
>just wondering if the pronunciations are an issue in the Linux community
>in general because the article I posted an URL for made it sound that way.

        you're right. I've just gotten fairly sick of the issue, had to
many people who can't spell ifconfig correcting me on my pronunciation. I
didn't mean to come across as abusive or pissed off, I'm just kind of fed
up with the whole "How does one pronounce Linux?" thing. My answer?
"however one damn well pleases, as long as the others involved in the
conversation know what you're talking about". It's just, well..., a trivial
thing to worry about.

Calm and *reasonably* collected,

Matthew Navarre                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Look out honey, 'cause I'm usin' technology...

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