> When installing on my laptop, after the network setup I was asked which
> interface and selected PCMCIA not ethernet.

you did it correctly.

> The PCMCIA card appears to be working OK but when I run "ifconfig" I get
> "eth0 unknown interface" errors.

what do you mean it's working okay?  if you type "ifconfig -a" do you see an
eth0 interface?  is it active?

> Is ifconfig eth0 netmask...etc. the correct command for a PCMCIA card.

yes it should be.  i sounds like either your pcmcia isn't configured
correctly and thus isn't loading your network settings, you're card isn't
supported under linux (or the version of pcmcia you're running) or pcmcia
simply isn't running.

you shouldn't need to configure your pcmcia stuff manually.  check out your
/etc/pcmcia/network.opts file.  fill in the config there and then just run
"/etc/init.d/pcmcia start" and see if that works any better.


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