> I know this isn't the list for this, but I'm having some issues with a
> sendmail config.  I'm trying to configure sendmail to forward *all* mail
> (incoming or outgoing) on a specific box to a different box (a mail
> server)  but everything I've tried has the following debug output:

you need to do one of three things, which depends on exactly how you want to
do it.

 * enable a smart host, this means that it will deal with mail that it 
   considers local (in the .cw file) but everything else gets routed to the
   smart host.  you can do this with the DS (i think) command in the .cf
   file or by adding the below line to your /etc/mail/sendmail.mc and then
   running sendmailconfig

   define(`SMART_HOT', `esmtp:smarthost.domain.com')dnl

 * you can do the same thing if you have mailertable support built in by
   adding this line to your /etc/mail/mailertable file (and running makemap
   on it):

   .                    esmtp:smarthost.domain.com

 * and finally you can configure you sendmail as a null client (which is
   what it looks like you've done).  i've never bothered with the null
   client setting cause i haven't needed it, but it should work.

> send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

you should be redirecting to a host not an email address.  are you?  if you
are redirecting to a host why is it trying to send it to a specific address?

>                 mailer 3 (nullclient), host `paladin.srn.com'
>                 user `spierson99', ruser `<null>'
>                 next=41667338, alias 0, uid 0, gid 0
>                 owner=(none), home="(none)", fullname="(none)"
>                 orcpt="(none)", statmta=(none), status=(none)
>                 rstatus="(none)"
>                 specificity=0, statdate=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
> or a slightly different output, but the results are always the same:

i would assume that this is a legit error, the user doesn't exist.  the
question is why is the mail going to this user.  

> Would anybody here give me a hand with this?  Please respond to me 
> privately to keep the list clean.

i'll keep it public so people can see the answer, maybe someone will benifit


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