Hi Jay,

Well, to install nmap do `apt-get install nmap`

Might as well get it, it as a good tool.

But from that lynx error it sounds like there is something
wrong with SWAT. 

What version of Debian are you using?

Perhaps `apt-get remove samba` then `apt-get update` then
`apt-get install samba` will help, there is a possibility
that there was a bug in a samba package built at one
time... this will make sure you are installing the newest
version of samba for your Debian version...


On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 01:02:07PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:
> Ok, When I run lynx localhost:901 I get errorAlert! Unexpected network read
> error; connection aborted. Alert! Unable to access document.
> And if I try nmap I get command not found.
> So what do you think I need to do?

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