> to the original poster, reply & change subject != new message
> ...
> the former screws up threading in mailing list archives and in
> MUAs such as mutt.  please always create a new message and paste
> the list address in instead of using reply as a shortcut, or if
> you post often create an alias/address book entry for the list
> address.  thank you.

I always new I was being watched.

Pardon my ignorance. I had no idea that any mechanism for tracking threads
existed other than the subject line. I'll keep that in mind.

Incidentally, how exactly does thread tracking work? I assume there is a
header of some kind. Maybe I'll hack it out. Interesting.

Well, you learn something new everyday (especially when you don't know


A. Scott White
Director of Information Systems and Product Strategy
Healthcare Solutions Group
Affiliated Computer Services, Inc.

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