On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 05:50:43AM -0700, Michael Epting wrote:
> The apt-get manpage refers to a "hold" attribute, which I suspect is the
> way out of this mess, but how do I apply that attribute to a package
> that I want to not be replaced?  I've messed about a bit with dselect,
> but that is one non-intuitive app to use, and I'm not sure that will do
> it anyway.  (Yes, I have read the man-pages and docs, but I probably
> have missed something).

i wrote two very small shell scripts to make this rather simple, do be
cautious that if you type the packagename wrong it will be marked to
install or hold, i think even if it does not exist! (there could
probably be better error checking but i am lazy ;-))

dhold: put a package on hold
dunhold: take a pacakge off hold

#! /bin/sh

PRG=`basename $0`

if [ `id -u` != 0 ] ; then
    echo "you're not root, go away."
    exit 1
elif [ $# != 1 ] ; then
    echo "Usage: $PRG <packagename>"
    exit 1
    echo $1 hold | dpkg --set-selections

and /usr/local/sbin/dunhold:
#! /bin/sh

PRG=`basename $0`

if [ `id -u` != 0 ] ; then
    echo "you're not root, go away."
    exit 1
elif [ $# != 1 ] ; then
    echo "Usage: $PRG <packagename>"
    exit 1
    echo $1 install | dpkg --set-selections

works ok for me so long as i type the package name correctly ;-)

Ethan Benson

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