Hi Glyn,

I suspect that they just call it woody because it came after the potato
freeze - it doesn't seem to depend on anything in woody. I installed it
on a Potato system with no (significant) problems.



Quoth J. Glyn Hughes, 
> New to Debian, I am a happy convert from RH, MDK, SuSE et al.
> Having had quite a scoot around, I am having trouble getting hold of Helix
> Gnome for Potato - they only seem to have a binary release for Woody.
> I have seen references by those clearly more talented than I to installing
> (perhaps shoe-horning) Helix onto Debian Potato, I know it's possible.
> Quite happy to investigate / play myself, perhaps someone could point me in
> the right direction - for what where should I look if I want (the very
> wonderful, apparently) Helix Gnome on my Debian 'Potato'.
> TIA,
> Glyn
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