On Thu, Aug 10, 2000 at 09:05:01AM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
> the main problem is that pix firewalls (cisco) are able to "talk" rip
> but not to setup a default route with rip. Both the boxes are linux
> (debian) with zebra on them working very fine :=)
> Now the only solution i found to solve the problem is to put a default
> static route on the pix but in this way i loose redundacy.
> I would like to know if it's possible to setup a virtual shared ip
> address between the 2 linux boxes (not load balancing) to ensure
> redundancy.
> That's mean that if a linux box is down the other is working with the
> same virtual ip to permit the pix to work.

I think there was a group working on advanced router code (like BGP,
OSPF, etc...) that had a working VRRP implementation on linux, but I
can't remember the name of the group/project doing it right now.

If you haven't seen VRRP, it's similar to HSRP and only burns two IP's
instead of three.  One machine is master, the other slave, and if master
disappears, slave takes over his MAC address.


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