Just to fill you in on my situation.

The other day, I had a friend set up one of my computers with Debian.  He
set it up as my firewall/router, since its main function is just that.  I'm
mostly a Hardware person, I could probably build a computer blind folded and
I'm only familiar with the many M$ WinXXX systems.  Aside from logging in on
my Linux box, I don't know what to do with it and I would like to learn.

So, here are my Questions:

1.  I'm not going to beg for all the newbie commands I should know, so I'm
just going to ask for a URL that will set me in the right direction.  Could
someone please point me to one?

2.  I've read about 200 different emails from this now, (my inbox is
buldging) and everyone is always recommending to keep everything updated,
especially security stuff (it is my firewall after all.)  My problem is that
I haven't the slightest clue as how to go about that.

3.  I have an Intel MoBo that has the Intel 810 (video) chipset on it, and
currently my friend is unable to get X windows or what ever the GUI is
called to work with it.  I fund information at the Intel website, but I
don't have the first idea of what to do with that information... Could
someone perhaps break it down newbie style or point me in the direction to
where information may be found?

3.  I just came into ownership of an old Mac PPC 6200cd.  How hard would
such a system be to install Linux on that, and does Debian have a MAC
version of Linux?

Just some quick links is all I'm asking for, that I may study up on these
things and learn.  If you want to type in newbie instructions for the
firewall update info and perhaps the video drivers, I would hold you in the
highest esteem.

Thanks in advance

Don Conley

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