
i just ran into a sendmail problem i haven't had to deal with before.  
the hoststatus stuff is messing with my laptop (it check when my laptop
isn't connected and remembers that it can't get to hosts even after i plug
the ethernet in <grr> i just forced about 20 messages from over the last
two days off my laptop that i hadn't noticed were stuck in the queue).

so here's my question.  this is included in .../ostype/debian.m4:

define(`confHOST_STATUS_DIRECTORY', `/var/lib/sendmail/host_status')dnl

without modifing the debian.m4 file (which i don't want to do because my
chagnes will get overwritten next time i upgrade) how do i underfine the
confHOST_STATUS_DIRECTORY setting in my /etc/mail/sendmail.mc?

just setting it to `' doesn't do it.


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