I would say:

1.      copy all directories in a empty partiotion on the 23.3
2.      add a new block for image ... in lilo.conf (read lilo-manual)
3.      try to boot this new (copied) system from the 23.3
4.      if it works, then clean up lilo.conf and make the new block default

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Am Freitag, 22. Dezember 2000 22:41 schrieb Ron Farrer:

> > hello;
> I currently have two 2GB scsi drives and now have a single 23.2GB scsi
> drive. What would be the easiest way to move the data off the two 2GB
> drives to the new one? Reinstall is out of the question, I need the
> setup to stay as-is. The partitioning on the new drive will be
> different (for obvious reasons). All filesysems are ext2. OS is Debian
> GNU/Linux 2.2r2
> TIA,
> Ron

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