Betreff: how? - downloaded debs on one PC as preferred apt source on 
        Datum: Mit Dez 27, 2000 at 02:15:06 +0000

        Absender Martin Waller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

Hallo Martin Waller,

> Hello,
> I have a small network masqueraded (which is so easy to do with debian - 
> it's the best).   On the Masquerading machine (one with modem...) I get my 
> updates off the net (and haven't deleted downloaded debs!).
> I don't want to spend hours on the modem to update each PC - can I set the 
> other's up to use the downloaded .debs on the modem PC as their default 
> (preefrred) apt source? How (if yes)?

I did it that way; NFS. Export


on your 'server' and import it on the clients. That works fine for me and
is a simple solution, if running nfs for other purposes.

    Gregor Anders
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