> Hi:
> Sorry if this has been addressed before, I didn't find it in the
> archives...
> What additional packages are required for Corel Wordperfect 8 to install
> and run on potato?  During installation, the Corel installer reports 2
> segmentation faults, too quickly for me to read, and then defaults to
> the non gui installation script. Installation then appears to proceed
> normally, but any attempt to execute "xwp" returns "segmentation fault."
> I have libc5 installed.  Any thoughts?
> System is:  AMD K6 266, 96 MB SDRAM, 2.2.18 kernel compiled without
> module support,  running KDE 2.
> Thanks,
> Colin Mattoon

IIRC, it's xpm4.7 xlib6

But WP is very buggy, I'd go for StarOffice instead.

Andre Berger                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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