Nathan E Norman wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 07:14:47PM +0100, Stephan Kulka wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I should buy a new SCSI harddisk. In the box where it should be used,
> > there is an ultrawide Adaptec controller. Are there any disk which are
> > recommendend, the size should be around 15 -20 gigabyte, the price
> > doesn't play such a role.
> > Sorry for being off topic.
> Me too :)
> I'm a big fan of IBM SCSI disks; they run fairly quiet, they're fast,
> and they're reliable in my experience, anecdotal evidence, and the
> reviews I've read (don't have sources atm sorry).
> Otherwise I'd look at Seagate.  I would never buy Quantum, WD, Maxtor,
> etc.
> Look for a drive that's at least 7200 rpm; 10000 rpm is faster (a
> little bit noisier though).  Don't even think about using passive
> termination on that uw bus!
> And no, I don't currently and have never worked for IBM :)

>From our experience (not our Official opinion, mind you), The Quantums
are the best balance.  IBMs look great, and work reasonably well, but if
you talk to ICP or Mylex, they both shudder at the very utterance of
those three letters.  Seagates are hot and noisy, and you wind up buying
a lot of experimental equipment labeled as `production-ready'.  Quantums
are quiet, the RAID vendors love them, and if something /does/ go wrong,
Quantum has excellent customer service if you use the channels
properly.  WD is just a Bad Idea (tm), and Maxtor deosn't even make SCSI
disks anymore.

-=|JP|=-                "Why, oh, why didn't I take the blue pill?"
Jon Pennington        | Atipa Linux Solutions   -o)
Kansas City, MO, USA  | 816-595-3000 x1550     _\_V

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