On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 06:46:27PM -0200, Christoph Simon wrote:
> I'm not really an expert in the protocols supported by fetchmail, but
> I would say, that your ISP had previously support for the UID
> stuff. If I remember right (from the last troubles I had, when I read
> the fine manuals), that's something optional, which you can turn on or
> off in fetchmail; I think it's used to manage the header lists without
> retrieving actually all messages. Try having a deeper look at man
> fetchmail; I could bet I read it there. Try to turn that feature off,
> maybe it'll work then. But of course, I have bad bio-RAM, so possibly
> I'm wrong. Anyway; note that

Ok, I'm clutching at straws here. I assume since the ISP says everyone
else is fine and I changed nothing here that they changed something
which didn't affect most users, therefore Windows/Mac.

> > fetchmail: not swapping UID lists, no UIDs seen this query
> > fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
> comes neither from SMTP nor from POP3, so it must come from fetchmail
> itself. The following QUIT line is possibly there because SMTP was
> executed in background, and happend to terminate then. I would say
> that it is unrelated. But the last two lines again seem to be the
> consequence of the cited ones.

It gives me a no UID seen when it works correctly though... Um. Well,
I'll plug away. Any other ideas, please step in. So far no one else has
joined in. Well, except Glyn on a personal basis.

Thanks again.



            "Hey, I think I finally got the hang of i-"

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