Aaron Lehmann wrote:
> Using a non-vi-compatable editor on boot disks is a hanging offense
> that debian will pay for once sysadmins try to install Debian but
> realize they have better things to do than learn a whimpy editor. It
> would be excusable if it was emacs-compatable, but it's not. e3
> supports vi, emacs, wordstar, AND pico bindings. It just depends
> whether you type vi, emacs, or pico to start it.
> Personally I would perfer ed to nano, since it is traditional and more
> people know how to use it.

The great Vi/Emacs Wars are irrelevant to this issue: the people
encountering ae for the first time aren't looking for a crash course
in your favourite coding utility, they need an instantly usable text
editor, and one that's perfectly accessible to newbies who have
never seen anything better than Wordpad.

Nano-tiny scores highly on this count, since it is a functional
bonsai-scale editor any fool can pick up on their first encounter -
no "learning" is necessary (or worthwhile, unless they're going to
be keeping it as the only editor on the system). 

But ae will do.  Just about.
Justin B Rye - writing (in jed) from but not for Datacash Ltd

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