On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 10:22:47AM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> I'm looking at NFS-mounting /usr for a largish number of machines, with the
> basic idea that then I can just keep the binaries on the central server up-to
> date and the workstations will all follow along with (hopefully) a minimum of
> effort.  I'm a little concerned about apt, though...  I wouldn't expect it to
> be very open-minded about /usr being read-only.  OTOH, I probably wouldn't
> need to run apt very often on the workstations unless there's a change to
> config file formats or an all-new package is being installed.
> Any Debian-specific advice on running a setup like that?

# cat /etc/apt/apt.conf
// Auto re-mounting of a readonly /usr
Pre-Invoke {"mount -o remount,rw /usr";};
Post-Invoke {"mount -o remount,ro /usr";};

Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>

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