
I was installing 2.2r0 bought from Cheap Bytes last
week. I hit a problem with the installation (I'll
submit that seperate) and went to re-install and
decided to use verbose installation. From the
beginning I received the following error

modprobe: could not find module

I got that more times than I could count. After the
installation and I was logging in I was still getting
it. If I did an 'ls -al' I'd get it.

I went to /lib and found modules linking to an area
/target.... (don't remember the rest)

I also found modules.old with a 2.2.17 subdirectory.
I renamed modules to modules.001 and modules.old to
modules and things seem to be going along.

Is that an acceptable solution? I intend to
re-install, because I'm paranoid, but just wanted to
know if I was reading this problem right.

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