
I'm having a few problems with my X libraries - though first I'll say what
I did...

I've got an install of Debian 2.2r2 'potato', but because of my videocard
I installed X 4.0.3 from tarballs... I realise now that this was probably
a bad idea - and I'm working on fixing this from the testing

I installed communicator smotif 476 using the debs and when I run it I get
the following message...

Locale 'C' not supported - is the $XNLSPATH variable set correctly?
bus error

or words to that effect

I've scoured the internet for answers to this and discovered that it is
far from rare but the solutions are many and varied. Many of them involve
ripping netscape source which I don't particularly want to delve into...

I get messages of the same ilk from gnome-chess, emacs, xdvi to name a few
but they seem to run fine so far but I'm very keen to sort this out at
source rather that do a hack on netscape.

I would dearly like to understand what is actually happening as well - I
am aware that locales are the syntax for error messages but beyond that
I'm rather confused...

Can anyone offer some advice on how to proceed other than do reinstalling
- which I've tryed or am going to try.



Jamie Wood
Imperial College
020 75895111 x58613


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