On Sat, 21 Jul 2001, Wayne Topa wrote:

>       Subject: Where do I find NAT for IPTABLES?
>       Date: Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 01:43:23AM +0200
> In reply to:Daniel Mashao
> Quoting Daniel Mashao([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Is it an option that I need to make a module or insert in the kernel? In
> > which part of the kernel setting is NAT mentioned? If all I want is just a
> #
Should I make them modules? Can I have them in the kernel instead of

I have a problem with modules. My system puts them in 
Debian for some reason cannot find modules here. So I prefer putting stuff
in the kernel rather than as modules.

All I want is that my home PC would log into my work PC and be able to
surf the web for itself. Right now I can log into my work PC but I cannot
see anything further from there. I can ping my work PC and that is it.

Daniel J. Mashao                
Electrical Engineering                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town                   http://www.eleceng.uct.ac.za/~daniel 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa               (w) 021-6502816  (c) 082-928-3692

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