On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, George wrote:

>Hi does anyone know how I can using ip aliasing with the
>/etc/network/interfaces (debian method). I could easily add another startup
>script with ifconfigs and routes, but that would be messy and uncalled for
>and I'm sure someone must have done it before and got it right. Nomatter
>what I've tried neither my pcmcia eth0 device is configured, (although the

/etc/network/interfaces gets processed before /etc/init.d/pcmcia.
Basically, your aliases never get configured because eth0 is not
recognized until after the configuration script is done.  Welcome to the
upside-down world of pcmcia and linux! I can't be of much help, as I've
never used PCMCIA myself, only helped friends and found out the ugly
truth.  Perhaps debian-laptop may have some better help WRT PCMCIA.

>module for it loads fine) nor are any of the aliases configured. I've tried
>the following lines :
>auto lo eth0 eth0:1 eth0:2            // Didn't work
>auto lo eth0                                // Didn't work
>Also I tried changing the order of execution for the networking script, but
>to no avail : i.e. # mv /etc/rc2.d/S40networking /etc/rc2.d/S99networking
>and  # mv /etc/rc2.d/S40networking /etc/rc2.d/S04networking
>I've attached my /etc/network/interfaces if anyone wants to take a look, and
>feel free to ask me to post any more files. They're all pretty small i.e.
>PS : Bg info on my system : Running Woody Testing / 2.4.7 kernel / xirc_2pcs
>driver for pcmcia NIC. Sony VAIO laptop (don't think that'll be of much use
>though :-) )

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