> Where can I find documentation that will explain the install and usage
> of PPPoE with Debian ?

i just set this up this morning for an earthlink connection.  it's pretty
straight forward.  from memory, quickly here are the steps (as root):

first make sure your ethernet adapter is setup and does *NOT* have an ip
address.  this works for me (note: i have not yet found a way to enable
the ethernet device to work to talk to local devices *and* to work with
the pppoe driver.  it works under windows but not under linux that i can

in /etc/network/interfaces:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

# ifdown eth0
# ifup eth0

now install and configure pppoe

# apt-get install pppoe
# vi /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider (set your username)
# vi /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
  you're gonna need a line that looks like this:

  username *       password

start ppp

# pon dsl-provider

watch the connection with

# plog (or tail -f /var/log/messages | grep pppd)

everything else is just like a standard ppp connection, tweak as normal to
your hearts content.

i've thrown this up on my web site (been meaning to do that anyway) for
future reference.  if i've gotten anything wrong feel free to edit it
(it's a wiki site so just make the changes).



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