The library you need is libdb3.  After you get libdb3 installed, I'd say
your next target is perl.  potato->woody hangs up nowadays on the libdb3
transition, making perl 5.6 a PITA, but everything that uses perl is moved
to perl 5.6.  I'm thinking you'll be able to go along nicely with libdb3.

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>i recently tried (and so far failed) to install printtool... and in the
>process i seemed to have wiped out gnome... here's what happened:
>i'm running 2.2r3 so i had to upgrade a lot of libraries, ect. to get to the
>point where i had all the nessicary files to dpkg printtool... (one file that
>printtool required would require 2 or 3 more files of its own) and somewhere
>between installing some new c libraries and lpr-ppd i seem to have removed
>some important gnome packages. I tried to dselect the packages to reinstall
>but it keeps getting hung up by the fact that i don't have this library that
>it needs: '' i've searched the package directory for it as well as
>'' and gotten nothing... libdb returns like 700 results and i can't
>browse all of those for something resembling that library. so here's what i
>need to know:
>1. where do i get that library
>2. since i've got lines in .xinitrc to start gmc and the toolbar and neither
>one of them start, what's the most likely file that would've gotten
>uninstalled by dselect while installing some c libraries and printtool (and
>its reqired files)?
>well, i guess that last one isn't essential, but i'm really starting to get
>bothered by this printer that says will work 'perfectly' but
>won't even do an
>'lptest > /dev/usb/lp0' ... did that letter i sent a/b it earlier make it
>through my slow connection?
>anyway, i'm almost as confused as i was when i first started installing this
>crazy OS, so any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

There is no problem so great that it cannot be solved with suitable
application of High Explosives.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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