Pretty often actually.  Have multiple sources, be prepared to comment out
the ones that don't work right now, and re-update and re-upgrade if the
situation occurs again.  Basically, is never the most
trustworthy under the best of circumstances, and sometimes can be a real
bitch, depending on what round-robin server you get.  Try using FTP, I've
found better success that way.

On Mon, 3 Sep 2001, Mike Kuhar wrote:

>Good evening Fellow Debians,
>I went to do an apt-get upgrade, just a few moments ago, after doing an update
>on unstable.  It told me I had 54 packages to upgrade.  The problem is that 
>half actually downloaded and upgraded from  The rest 404'd
>on me.  What gives?  Any one else experience this problem?

Galt's sci-fi paradox:  Stormtroopers versus Redshirts to the death.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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