On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 09:50:27AM -0700, Michael Patterson wrote:
> Yesterday I finally got my cable modem (Adelphia). Hooked it up to windows,
> and it worked wonderfully. I was told that, in general, Adelphia doesn't
> change the IP information, and it would be safe to copy it to the Debian
> box. So I wrote down the information, moved the cable modem over to my
> debian box, and set it up.
> It worked for about 2 hours. Presumably, the DHCP server switched my
> information on me.
> So I installed the dhcp-client package and set it up. Didn't work. So I
> removed that package and tried dhcpcd, which I actually had documents for.
> That didn't work either.
> Here's the information I have. It's somewhat sparse, but it's all that I
> could find. (information seperated by ----)
> ----
> # /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
> # The loopback interface
> iface lo inet loopback
> # The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian
> installation
> # (network, broadcast and gateway are optional)
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> hostname "cy119366-a"
> #leasehours 1
> #leasetime 3600
> ----
> white:/etc/dhcpc# more config
> # List here the interface that the dhcpcd daemon should use.
> # The default is to assign an IP address to eth0.
> # If you want to disable the daemon, enter "none" here.
> IFACE=eth0
> # Add options here, examples are:
> #  OPTIONS='-h "foo"'      set hostname (needed by some cablemodem
> providers)
> #  OPTIONS='-l 12345'      set leasetime
> OPTIONS='-h cy119366-a'
> ----
> syslog:
> Oct 31 00:03:14 white dhcpcd[274]: timed out waiting for a valid DHCP server
> response
> ----
> Also, ifconfig doesn't show eth0. When I was running DHCP-client, eth0 did
> show up, but without an IP address (not even, which is what I was
> lead to believe would happen).
> dhcpcd doesn't show up in a ps, and when run manually eventually exits
> without any output.
> All help is appreciated.
> --Mike
        I had Adelphia Powerlink for awhile also. I did it working with OS
X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and RedHat. On redhat I used the pump utility. Sorry I
don't remember the specifics. I also had it get my IP using DHCP on bootup.
One snag you may run into is if you unplug the cat5 from one NIC to the
next it won't work unless you completely turn off the modem, then plug the
cat5 into the new NIC, and then restart the modem and let it resync. The
modem uses the hardware address of the NIC for something. Power cycling the
modem clears out this info. The guy who installed my cable was using
Slackware with it so it must use some pretty standard tools found in all

Good Luck,
FreeSoftware Developer
and user of Debian GNU/Linux

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