On Sat, Nov 17, 2001 at 12:06:40AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
> > 
> > Hi, I just ran test3Dfx and it can't find the VooDoo3 board! ... Then it
> > segfaults! I am working on installing the 3dfx device now, but even when I
> > had it installed, Quake 3 still ran at 1 fps, even at 16bpp in XFree86 (I
> > think 3.3.6, it's whatever version comes with the Disc 1 2.2.19pre17 Debian
> > ISO). I have all the packages I seem to need and have ./configure'd, make'd,
> > and make install'ed MESA 4.0 and placed the Mesa-4.0 dir in the /usr
> > directory, but I still have the same problems. I compiled in DRI and VooDoo 
> > 3
> > drivers into the kernel. Can't find tdfx .. where is it in make xconfig?
>   I just wrote another email where to find it but:
>   not sure which versions you use but it's easier to use X 4.x and 2.4.x
> kernel.
Yes, but he was specifcally interested in Unreal Tournament, which
works only  with Glide in XF 3.3.X , which really sucks :-(

>   with older X 3.x you don't need tdfx, you might need device3dfx (or
> 3dfxdevice (I forgot which), it's module 3dfx.o) to be able to run
> openGL as non-root. I would strongly suggest to go with unstable (and
> new X and kernel). Stable is good for server that you absolutely need to
> have running but unstable (or testing, but I have better experience with
> unstable (roughly: it's about as stable as testing but has much better
> support - you get info about problems sooner and problems are fixed
> faster)) is good enough for workstation and since you playing with
> openGL I guess your life does not depend on the computer:-) openGL
> support is also better in X 4.x, e.g. you get openGL in window, you
> won't get stuck in fullscren openGL (at least it didn't happen to me yet
> and it seems like in 3.x that was the norm)...
>       erik
> -- 
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