Not strictly speaking a debian question, I suppose, but...

The last apt-get upgrade that I performed installed a new version of
bash (2.05a.0(1)-release). Since this upgrade, I've discovered that
tab completion of a symbolic link that points to a directory no longer
automatically includes the trailing slash.

For example, on my disk /sourceforge -> /projects/sourceforge so if I
type "/pro[tab]", I get "/projects/", but if I type "/sour[tab]", I
get "/sourceforge" (without the trialing slash). If I type tab again,
I get the trailing slash. (There's no file called sourceforge in /).

This behavior is consistent on all symlinks to directories, and I find
it exceptionally annoying. A quick scan of the man page doesn't reveal
any option that obviously would effect this behavior (and why doesn't
bash_2.05a-2_i386.deb include an info page, no, that's a separate
issue :-)

Is there a setting to "fix" this behavior?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | It is important what a man still plans            | at the end. It shows the measure of
                              | injustice in his death.--Elias Canetti

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