I have a problem that seems like login is working too slowly for my
computer, or my computer is too slow for login (a little more likely).
Occasionally I get results similar to the results for this fictional user.

        Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 icosagon tty2

        icosagon login: foo
        Login incorrect

As is quite guessable, the password for user foo is bar. foo typed in bar,
but only the 'r' makes it into the password entry. The "ba" is merely output
to the screen. If foo were to see that "ba" was visible, and knew that it
hadn't been entered into the password entry, foo could have logged in if the
full "bar" had been typed after the "ba", leaving the total password typing
of foo at "babar".

I downloaded the source so that I could see if I could do anything about it,
but gzip is complaining that it isn't in gzip format. Is there any special
package I need to get to be able to decompress the source? I have gzip
version 1.3.2-3, tar 1.13.25-1, and login 20000902-8.

Thanks for any help,


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