On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Tim Grogan wrote:

> Hi, being a relative newbie with Debian I'm looking for some help.  I'm
> running woody 2.2.20 and KDE.  Does anyone have a step-by-step guide on
> setting up xdm to support remote x-windows sessions or that can point me in
> the right direction.  I've found a how-to that is geared for Redhat but of
> course directories and files are not the same.  Thanks in advance.

I found that using ssh was the way to go for me.

With X11Forwarding set to 'yes' on the remote server then running
'ssh -X [EMAIL PROTECTED]' in your local XTerm will take you to the
remote server. At that point running an xclient is a simple as running
'netscape &' . There may be security implications if you don't trust
the remote system's root user but they don't concern me for my type
of use.

Hope this helps,


Selterra Communications                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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