Iván Filpo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote [with attributions corrected]:
> I'm getting insted of 40 a lot of 01's u think is probably the same ?. I'm
> booting hda5, that's the root. the other partition has win2k installed so
> think that if i set in the lilo.conf to boot /dev/hda it will return an
> error .
> Any comments on that ?

I have MS-DOS 7.0 installed on /dev/hda1, and lilo is set to boot /dev/hda,
and it works fine. But the 01's you're getting has a different meaning than
my 40's. To quote the lilo manual:

> Seneca Cunningham wrote:
> > Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED]; on behalf of; Joey Hess
> > > Lilo manual:
> > >
> > > If the BIOS signals an error when LILO is trying to load a boot image,
> > > respective error code is displayed. The following BIOS error codes are
> > > known:
> > >
> > > [...]
> > >
> > >    0x40   "Seek failure". This might be a media problem. Try booting
> > >    again.
> > >

        0x01    "Illegal command". This shouldn't happen, but if it does, it may
indicate an attempt to access a disk which is not supported by the BIOS.
See also "Warning: BIOS drive 0x<number> may not be accessible" in section

        Warning: BIOS drive 0x<number> may not be accessible
         Because most BIOS versions only support two floppies and two hard 
files located on additional disks may be inaccessible. This warning
indicates that some kernels or event the whole system may be unbootable.

>From what you wrote, I don't know if you have more drives than hda1 and
probably a floppy and cd of some variety.

I have spent some time looking at the Lilo manual. Since it is "a lot of
01's", a severe problem (according to the manual) is occurring. One can also
tell approximately when and a possible cause by what letters (if any) come
up before the error code. If I knew the letters, then I could come up with
more information.

Hope this helps,


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