>>"Ian" == Ian D Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Ian> Speaking only for myself, it was the condescending tone adopted
 Ian> by one of the developers (don't remember the fellow's name; he
 Ian> was the one ranting about about his $250,00/hr fee) more than
 Ian> the actual content that I found offensive.  While stating that
 Ian> you don't give a rip about the users may be intelectually
 Ian> honest, one should not be surprised when such statements
 Ian> endanger userbase loyalty.

        That would be me. To bring in the context that you have elided,
 this is exactly what I said:

 Manoj> Telling me how to spend my time comes with the obligation of
 Manoj> helping me pay my mortgage. My posted rates are $250 an hour.

        You have a strange definition of condescending. 

        Are you, then, opposed to this sentiment? Can we call on you
 and tell you how to spend your time? 


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