On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 08:56:34AM -0700, Wm. G. McGrath wrote:
> Willy Sutrisno wrote:
> > I like to change my keyboard from 101 to 106, I remember debian ask me
> > about what keyboard I am using. But I don't know the name of the
> > program. I need to reconfigure again. Could anyone tell me, what is
> > the name of the program to change the settings?
> Speaking of which, I have an 'internet' keyboard 104 keys but also a
> number of buttons for the CDplayer, volume, mute and app launching
> buttons. Is there a program that can enable these extra buttons?

It was discussed recently on DWN (or rather debian-laptop):


Karl E. Jørgensen
==== Today's fortune:
Always think of something new; this helps you forget your last rotten idea.
                -- Seth Frankel

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