******* About the W3C Mailing Lists *******

There are many mailing lists provided by the W3C for discussion
and development on the World Wide Web. A partial list of them
is available at:


NOTE that this list is not the place for any of the following:

   How do I configure [insert-favorite-software-here]?
   I'm new to the web -- what is it?
   I tried to ask [insert-company-here] customer support, but
        [I didn't get any response / they told me to RTFM]

Answers to the above questions are often found on the Web. A list
of useful resources is available at:


******* Administrative Requests *******

The -request mail address should be used for all list administrative
requests.  It accepts the following commands (in the Subject of an
e-mail message):

    subscribe         -- Subscribe to the list.  If you want to subscribe
                         under a different address, use a Reply-To: address
                         header in the message.

    unsubscribe       -- Unsubscribe from the list.

    help              -- Get information about the mailing list.

In the event of an address change, it would probably be wisest to first
send an unsubscribe for the old address (this can be done from the new
address), and then a new subscribe from the new address (the order is

Most (un)subscription requests are processed automatically without human
intervention.  Do not send multiple (un)subscription or info requests in
one mail.  Only one will be processed per mail.

NOTE: The -request server usually does quite a good job in discriminating
      between (un)subscribe requests and messages intended for the
      maintainer.  If you'd like to make sure a human reads your message,
      make it look like a reply (i.e. the first word in the Subject: field
      should be "Re:", without the quotes of course); the -request server
      does not react to replies (except for sub/unsub confirmations.)

******* Online Archives *******

Every submission sent to this list is archived and made available online.
Archives of W3C's public lists are available at:


******* Email Attachment Formats *******

Please review the W3C Guidelines regarding email attachment formats:



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reply via email to