On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, Stefan Monnier wrote:

> When a USB disk is mounted by gnome-volume-manager, I can unmount it using
> nautilus (via right clicking on the disk's icon), but I haven't figured how
> to do it from the command line.  Any hint?

Here's a perl script I use.  Save it somewhere in your PATH (I call it
$HOME/bin/pum), and make it executable (chmod a+x "$HOME/bin/pum").
When invoked it generates a list of mounted file-systems in /media/,
asks what to pumount.  It will fallback to a lazy umount if necessary.

Term::ReadKey is used to avoid hitting return after your selection
(doubling your productivity!).
  apt-get install libterm-readkey-perl

-- Brad

---> START: bin/pum <----

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

# This is licensed under the Gnu Public License (GPL).
# On Debian systems the text of the license can be found at
#   /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
# Initial Author:  Brad Sawatzky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (July 2006)

# This relies on Term::ReadKey in the 'libterm-readkey-perl' package.

## List auto-mounted filesystems and prompt for pumount ##
use strict;
use Term::ReadKey;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);


my $DIR="/media";
my @mounts;
my $i=0;

if ($#mounts == -1) {
 ## FIXME Should probably sanity check results and/or use a perl module here
  for (`/bin/ls $DIR`) {
    my $name = $_;
    push @mounts, "$DIR/$name";

    print RED, "[$i]:", RESET,"  $_\n";

if ($#mounts > -1) {
  my $choice;

  print "Unmount: ";
  $choice = ReadKey(0);
  print "$choice\n";

  exit 0 if ($choice !~ /\d/);
  if ($choice > $#mounts) {
    print RED,"Invalid selection (",RESET,"$choice",RED,")\n",RESET;
    exit 1;

  if (system ("/usr/bin/pumount",$mounts[$choice]) != 0) {
    print RED, "\tpumount failed, attempting lazy punmount\n",RESET;
    if (system ("/usr/bin/pumount","-l",$mounts[$choice]) != 0) {
      print RED,"\tlazy punmount failed\n",RESET;
      exit 1;
  print BLUE,"FS successfully unmounted:  ",RESET,"$mounts[$choice]\n";
  exit 0;

print RED,"No mounted filesystems found in ",RESET,"$DIR\n";
exit 0;

---> END: bin/pum <----

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