I'm trying to install some packages but seem to have gotten the package
manager thoroughly confused:

When trying to install anything I get the "unmet dependencies" error with
the suggestion to run "apt-get -f install". Doing that I get the following
two errors:

Removing kdebluetooth ...
dpkg-divert: mismatch on divert-to
 when removing `diversion of /usr/bin/kdesktop_lock to
/usr/bin/kdesktop_lock_nobt by kdebluetooth'
 found `diversion of /usr/bin/kdesktop_lock to /usr/bin/kdesktop_lock.orig
by kdelock-knoppix'
dpkg: error processing kdebluetooth (--remove):
subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2
Removing rserve ...
/var/lib/dpkg/info/rserve.postrm: line 15: R: command not found
dpkg: error processing rserve (--remove):
subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 127

Can someone please suggest the next thing to try?

Thanks for your time!


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