I forgot to ask how to prevent that during upgrading:

---X (and KDE/GNOME) are added to amd64?

---GNOME in i386 is replaced by KDE?

---iceweasel in i386 is replaced by GNOME's browser
(which lacks remote control, thus not serving my


--- Francesco Pietra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 02:50:18 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Francesco Pietra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: upgrade etch
> To: debian-users <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
> Hope those who know will not be hurt by these naive
> questions in face of the extensive instructions on
> Debian website.
> I'm using i386 and amd64 etch. Now want to move to
> 4.0
> etch, though I can't do that immediately because the
> amd64 machine is computing, while the i386 machine
> is
> ssh linked to the amd64 machine, collecting and
> analyzing data. That will last for at least three
> weeks more from now.
> Once ready, what should I do (besides backing up
> what
> is already indicated), in particular as to the
> repositories? Unfortunately I have to administer a
> complex system without having the formation of an
> administrator.
> Thanks for guidelines that, may be, will also serve
> for other naive guys.
> francesco pietra
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