On Fri, Dec 28, 2007 at 04:05:58PM -0800, Don Harwood wrote:
...snip confusing quoting...
> yes i am a total newbie to the linux world,  the reason i chose debian is
> because the cnc system is debian, after doing some minor research into it i
> decided to keep it simple {yeah right}  i will make this work !

That's the right attitude Don. You can make it work and eventually
you'll wonder how you ever did without such control...

So, remember to be patient. If you get stuck, ask for help, but be
sure to discuss, with some detail, what you've already done to solve
your problem. You might benefit from reading: 


among others. 

Also, read all you can on www.debian.org, especially the installation
manual. Finally, google is your friend and a little time spent with it
will pay huge dividends. 

Above all, have fun!

> thanks for the understanding with us newbies, i will probably drop the
> wireless kb, thanks for the heads-up about security

smart move.


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