On Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 01:39:13AM -0800, Amit Uttamchandani wrote:
   > Hey guys,
   > Been using Vim/GVim a lot recently and I am loving it!
   > I recently started using the folding feature. I created a bunch of folds 
but when I quit GVim and restart it..all the folds are gone!
   > Is there anyway to store the folds, so the next time I launch the same 
document, it stays?
It can be done. Add this to ~/.vimrc :

   set modeline
   set fdm=marker

Of course, this presumes, that you want the fold method as marker. There
are other methods. 

Another suggestion: You can always include your vim settings as a comment
at the end of your file(s) so that they are preserved always. E.g., for
a (la)tex, I have this line :

% vim:tw=72:et:sw=2:ts=2:fdm=marker

Similarly for a php file you can have

// vim:tw=72:et:sw=2:ts=2:fdm=marker
This route is quite effective and I have set up vim to add these lines
automatically whenever I create a php/tex/c/whatever file I create.



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