Hello List,

Patrick Wiseman wrote:
Hello, all:

After my usual daily update of my testing system this morning, which
updated only acroread and related stuff, acroread and the browser
plugin were broken.  It turns out /etc/alternatives/acroread was
pointing to the wrong place after the upgrade.  These two commands
will fix it:

rm /etc/alternatives/acroread
ln -s /usr/lib/Adobe/Reader8/bin/acroread-en /etc/alternatives/acroread

I observed the same on my amd64 box.

Furthermore, on amd64 box,
Adobe should be in /usr/lib32 rather than /usr/lib (which is /usr/lib64 in 


You'll also need to run acroread outside the browser once to accept
the license before it will work inside the browser (assuming you have
nppdf.so properly installed).



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