On Sun, 22 Jun 2008 11:33:25 +0000 (UTC)

> Hi,
> When I mount a partition, I must use sudo, and when I create the
> directory (the mount point) in /media I must also use sudo.
> I chmod -R 777 the mount point directory before mounting, but... I
> must use root to copy files and delete files from the drive.
> So, how can I mount and have permission to delete, copy and move files
> on my usb drive from my standard user account?
> Thanks,

Check what your /etc/fstab file says under options for
your usb drive and mount point.  I think you'd only have to add "user",
and "rw" under the options category (IE, "noauto,user,rw").  Mine

/dev/sda1   /media/usb   vfat   noauto,user,rw   0   0

I have two other entries for other usb drives that I mount, those being:

/dev/sdb1   /media/usb2   vfat   noauto,user,rw   0   0
/dev/sdc1   /media/usb3   vfat   noauto,user,rw   0   0

The columns above are file system, mount point, type, options, dump,

"rw" is only needed, I think, if you wish to be able to write
immediately to the drive when making changes.  For instance, removable
media usually are written to only upon unmounting the drive. This
initially confused me, when I was first using floppies, when I noticed
that work was not immediately saved to them, but rather all changes
occurred when I was done and unmounted the drive.  To speculate, I
believe that some early programmers did not care to be delayed in their
work by the computer slowing down to save everything (in the midst of
these people's work), and decided it was best to just have the saving
stuff done at the end when they (the programmers) were finished with
their work.

I don't think you should have to change the permissions of the mount
point to mount something.  Granted, to create a new mount point, or to
make changes to the /media directory, you need root access (or sudo,
I guess -- whatever the hell sudo is -- I'm still not sure), but any
user should be able to use the mount points. You will need root or
sudo access to edit your /etc/fstab file, though.

Anyway, good luck.


PS, wikipedia has some useful information on fstab.

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