klappnase wrote:
after I upgraded to lenny I am not able to boot the new kernel
(2.6.26-1-686), however it still works using the old etch kernel
(2.6.22-2-k7 from backports.org). About my system: There is an
encrypted root partition on /dev/hda1 and a separate /boot partition
on /dev/hda4. When booting the new kernel I get "Waiting for root file
system" and a while later I am being dropped to a busy box shell. I
have seen, the docs suggest that the problem might be a /dev/hda - /
dev/sda confusion with a new kernel, however before the boot hangs
there is a bunch of messages that addresses the hard disk as "/dev/
hda". Furthermore I followed the docs' suggestion to add label
descriptors to the hard disk partitions to avoid these confusions.

Did you run a
'update-initramfs' ?
Normally you wouldn't have to, but try it...


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