On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 02:35:47PM +0000, James Allsopp wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using gnome but want to remove all traces of mono from my system, I've a
> clean install of Squeeze.
> Can I,
>  apt-get purge mono-2.0-gac mono-gac mono-runtime tomboy
> No offence, if you want to use it fine, but I'd like rid of it. Tried
> running with simulate and it seems to want to get rid of gnome too.

In a typical Debian Squeeze / Sid desktop install, the reason Mono would
be pulled is because the metapackage gnome depends on 'tomboy'.
This will pull by default the package 'tomboy' (which is written in
Mono). But can also be satisfied by gnote (written in c++).

If you want to keep that metapackage but want to remove that mono

  aptitude install gnote tomboy_

Note the extra '_' after the name 'tomboy'. This means that the package
should be purged rather than installed. If this is the only thing
pulling Mono in, I expect this to also remove the Mono runtime

As this keeps the dependencies of gnome intact, you should not have a
mass removal of GNOME packages.

(Note: this is untested right now)

BTW: please avoid flamatory and unusful subject lines.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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