Tom Browder wrote:
> On my freshly installed Lenny 5.0.5 box. I have my network working
> enough to get new packages, browse, and ssh to other hosts, but i  am
> having trouble with some administrative GUI apps.


> When I try to use the "Add/Remove Applications" it chugs for a while,

you are using a GUI wrapper around apt.  Because it is a wrapper there
may be errors that you are not seeing.  Let me recommend that you run
apt from the command line so that you can see any errors that are
being produced.

> then, after I enter the password, it opens.  Then it says the list of
> apps is out of date, asks if it can be updated, grays out and it hangs
> and I can't kill it without logging out and back in.

What are the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file?

  $ cat /etc/apt/sources.list

I worry that you may have something incorrect there.

If not then run an update from the command line and report what it
says.  Hopefully it will work with no errors.  But if not it should
tell you why it is failing.

  # apt-get update

If that works then you can upgrade.

  # apt-get upgrade

> And while it's hanging, I can't use Synaptic Package Manager or the
> root terminal.

Your phrase "or the root terminal" confuses me.


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