Bernard writes:

> Hi to Everyone !
> I only have very basic knowledge on this subject, but I need to
> convert satellite image files (from Google Maps for instance) to the
> ECW format, so that I can use them with a special program that I have
> just installed into my GPS navigator.
> I have installed the ''gdal-bin' package (which also installs
> libgdal1-1.5.0).
> But, if I type, for instance :
> b...@new-host:~$ gdal_translate -of ECW -co "TARGET=95" -co
> "DATUM=WGS84" -co "PROJ=GEODETIC" -a_ullr 19.161272 45.635686
> 19.374475 45.335836 /home/bd/1-10.jpg /home/bd/carte.ecw
> I get :
> Input file size is 5000, 10000
> Output driver `ECW' not recognised.
> The following format drivers are configured and support output:
>  VRT: Virtual Raster
>  GTiff: GeoTIFF
>  NITF: National Imagery Transmission Format
>  ................
> A quick Google search taught me that the ECW format is being
> supported, but the column titled "Compiled by default" says : "No,
> needs ECW SDK"

For me, a Google search revealed that maybe the ECW plugin is not
enabled for GDAL in Debian because of licensing reasons. It seems that
someone has managed to recompile the package with that feature
enabled. See


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