No, she didn't.  She thought that because she had used the program Picasa, 
then Picasa would magically produce her 'photos.  She did not have them 
online.  There was only the one copy on her computer.  She just usually 
viewed them with Picasa.

I did paid support.  I had to support no matter how daft the client insisted 
on being.  And no, she didn't learn.  She just sacked me!!  I had explained 
in words of one syllable till I was blue in the face, and her niece bought 
her a pen drive and backed all the then current pictures up.  She also 
explained in words of one syllable.  That is why my client thought that she 
had copies of everything.  "My niece did it for me."  She hadn't understood 
that a backup cannot magically add other things to itself without even being 
plugged into the computer.



I'll never understand how people can...

A) be so computer illiterate,
B) Not care,
C) Blame or argue with  the person who ACTUALLY knows something about it...

I have had clients who are paying me to fix it for them and argue all the way 
about it. Like if you knew better you prolly wouldn't be in given situation or 
be paying me to fix it...



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